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Humanist vielleicht und vielleicht liberal; Menschenfreund im Allgemeinen; reflektierend; angeborener Gerechtigkeitssinn

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

Übereifrige Demokratie

Da verbietet die israelische Regierung internationalen Aktivisten die Einreise mit dem Hinweis, daß sie die Sicherheit gefährden würden etc., und bekommt viel, viel (für das Außenbild Israels sehr unschöne) Medienaufmerksamkeit und nicht nur in der linken Presse... Und sie gibt ihnen für die Rückreise vor den Landesgrenzen nettgemeinte, aber vollkommen nach hinten losgehende Briefe in die Hand...

Nicht nur, daß friedliche Demonstranten grunddemokratisch behandelt, indem man sie kriminalisiert, spontan für mehrere Tage in Haft nimmt, systematisch demütigt, verprügelt, mit Vergewaltigung bedroht etc., offensichtich ist man auch übereifrig (bzw. unfähig) beim Abwehren der einfliegenden Bedrohungen für den Staat Israel, indem man mehr als ein Drittel der Menschen unbegründet und einfach einmal so zur Sicherheit die Einreise verweigert:

"In another sign that the crackdown might have backfired, the Foreign Ministry said that about 470 of the 1,200 people who were barred from the country should not have been on the list. "We don't know why they were there," said spokesman Yigal Palmor."

Eva Illouz charakterisiert Israel auf folgende Weise:
"Mideast's most democratic state
Israel is without a doubt the most democratic state of the Middle East. In 1948, it extended significant rights to the Arab minorities and displayed an astonishing political maturity then. However, Israel’s democracy quickly became organized around principles that were not liberal. What distinguishes it from the liberal democracies of Western Europe or the U.S. is its marked ethnic-religious character. Israel is a self-declared Jewish state for the Jews, run, managed and controlled by Jews. Israel grants instant citizenship to Jews in the world. Its state-funded rabbis decide who will get married and who won’t, who will get citizenship and who won’t, and who will be buried where. Israel has national Jewish holidays during which public transportation and commerce are suspended, in conformity with religious laws. Its army is mostly and exclusively by and for the Jews. Many, if not most, public positions in society can only be filled by Jews ‏(all universities, national museums, large companies, most ministries, TV channels, publishing houses, newspapers are headed only by Jews‏). Its national airline uses racial profiling as an ordinary method of protecting the security of its aircraft. The school curriculum is almost exclusively devoted to Jewish religious and political history. Israel is a Jewish country, for the Jews, run by Jews, in which non-Jews can play only a marginal role, if at all ‏(in that respect, it is much closer to the Arab countries around us‏)."

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